I have a great friend (hello Jenni) who is a fantastic sewer. As in a person who sews and not a drainage system for waste water. She is very talented and sews the most amazing and gorgeous clothes.
After two boys, she has recently had a baby girl. And this little girl is the most stylish baby I have seen in a long time. Jenni made her some fantastic leggings with ruffles across the bottom. Ruffles in a good ruffley kind of way, not a fluffy, frilly way. And in good colours. Like a burnt orange. Anyway, with a new niece who I am sure desperately needs such a pair of leggings (she is just too young to know it yet), a swap was soon in order. A pair of leggings for a little pinafore top. Done. How great to have a real life swap partner and not just a blogging one. Jenni is also great for coming over and getting excited over fabric with me. Now, that is a true friend!
The pinafore top is the first of many more I hope to make this Autumn in lots of different sizes. I love sewing with corduroy. This one in particular is so soft and perfect for babies. I just find it really hard to source. This piece is an e-bay find.
It's the same kind of design as the dresses I made for my girl's. Just a band, with straps and a gathered skirt joined to the band. I just didn't gather the skirt too much because I'm not a fan of having babies lost under volumes of fabric. I leave it open at the back, because you would wear them with a long sleeve t-shirt underneath. And an open back is perfect for showing off your frilly derriere.
And it has come to my attention that some of my overseas readers have no idea what "daggy" means. Never crossed my mind that the cross cultural divide had been widened with the use of this endearing term. So lets see? Daggy - think very, very uncool or really old fashioned. But not "vintage" just old and you wouldn't be seen dead with it. Does that help? Here, read some articles to put it into context. This one and another one here.
Time to go and walk in this Autumn sunshine. Oh, Autumn means Fall. Just in case. I'm a little conscious of this now.
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